Quando fui instalar o VMPlayer no Linux encontrei o seguinte erro: Extracting VMware Installer...done. Installing VMware Player Application 15.5.0 Copying files... Configuring... bora/lib/string/str.c:284 Buffer too small VMware Workstation Error: VMware Workstation unrecoverable error: (host-9802) bora/lib/string/str.c:284 Buffer too small You can request support. To collect data to submit to VMware support, choose "Collect Support Data" from the Help menu. You can also run the "vm-support" script in the Workstation folder directly. We will respond on the basis of your support entitlement. A solução foi: sudo LC_ALL=C ./VMware-Player-15.5.0-14665864.x86_64.bundle
structure_threader run -i Ugibba_filtered1_ref.vcf -o ./results2 -als ~/anaconda3/envs/structure/bin/alstructure_wrapper.R -K 15 -t 3 --ind Ugibba.indfile Fonte: https://radcamp.github.io/Lisbon2020/05_POPULATION_STRUCTURE.html Sendo que o arquivo ind: The “indfile” Open the file with your favorite text editor. If you don’t have one and want to stay on the CLI, you can try the command nano ~/str_analyses/oyster.indfile in a new terminal window. The first few lines of this file should look like this: BC1_10_C6 Victoria_BC 4 BC1_20_C6 Victoria_BC 4 BC1_22_C7 Victoria_BC 4 BC1_4_C3 Victoria_BC 4 BC1_7_C5 Victoria_BC 4 BC1_8_C4 Victoria_BC 4 BC1_9_C5 Victoria_BC 4 BC2_10_C5 Klaskino_BC 1
DOWNLOAD and collaborate on StructRNAfinder development by accessing in our GitHub account . All information to install and run it can be accessed there. Installing the stand-alone version: (Only for linux) To see more details related to the installation process please see the INSTALL file. To install structRNAfinder and its requirements, type in a terminal located in structRNAfinder folder: sudo sh install.sh And follow the provided instructions. Pre-Requisites: StructRNAfinder uses third-part softwares and in-house Perl scripts in order to perform all its workflow. All them are automatically installed and configured when installing the tool. Bellow a list of softwares necessary to use it. Perl Linux perl library libgd-perl ( apt-get install libgd-perl ) Perl package Bio::Graphics ( cpan install Bio::Graphics ) Infernal RNAfold from Vienna package Rfam covariance models ( Version 12 ) As vezes tem que instalar o Bio::Graphics de novo depois, baixar RFAM mais novo e dar o coma
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